Does chicken have hormones?

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The constant growth of the population and the high demand for protein, made the production chain look for ways to speed up the process, which ended up raising doubts for the final consumer. A frequent question is about the development of chickens. After all, does it even happen through hormones? 

Although the vast majority of consumers believe that hormones are used to accelerate the development of chickens at some stage of creation, this assumption is not true. 

In fact, the poultry sector has grown exponentially in recent years, but it has not been through the use of hormones. Many researches were developed, making it possible to enhance and accelerate results in the field. Genetic improvement, health, ambience, animal welfare and nutrition go hand in hand, thus promoting this rapid development. 

In the quest for better results, precision nutrition is key. Through nutritional strategies, it is possible to use natural products that enhance the zootechnical indices of animals and more conscious production systems. 

At Seta, our professionals are always attentive to the market, seeking to develop sustainable solutions that contribute to quality production. Our products are developed from natural sources, adding health, well-being and, mainly, better results for the animals and the producer. 

Want to know more? Get in touch with our Animal Nutrition team. 

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