Carcass finishing: how to achieve excellence?

Carcass finishing: how to achieve excellence?

Carcass finishing, whether in ruminants or monogastrics, is a process influenced by several variables such as health, sanity, environment, genetics, and nutrition, all of which are related to product quality.    

It is known that nutrition is one of the most expensive sectors within the production system, and that it has extreme importance in the finishing of the carcass. However, nutrition should be taken into consideration during the entire production cycle, from the period before the birth of the animal until slaughter.    

A balanced diet, in association with products that enhance the best carcass finish, is a determining factor to ensure a quality final product. Natural additives, derived from phytogenic extracts, such as those that make up NutreSet, are fundamental components for good health and fattening. Besides acting as reinforcement against parasites and metabolic disorders, they provide a better carcass yield. 

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