Stress in weaned piglets

Stress in weaned piglets

The stress caused after weaning, associated with the onset of diseases caused by bacteria such as Escheria coli, remains one of the most complicated and economically relevant challenges in pig farming today. After weaning, piglets can suffer from diarrhea, edema and even death, due to the loss of passive immunity provided by the sow via milk. 

From a nutritional point of view, continuous intake of feed in good quantity and quality will minimize the stressor effect and promote healthy growth in weaned piglets. In this sense, the diet must be highly attractive, free of physical and chemical contaminants. 

In order to guarantee the health and development of piglets in the nursery phase, nutritional strategies and functional ingredients, such as the use of natural additives with antibacterial action, can significantly contribute to circumventing the harmful effects of weaning. The use of NutreSet can minimize the effects caused by the stress of weaning, as it ensures intestinal health and performance. 

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