Salmonella: the terror of the farms

Salmonella: the terror of the farms

We already know that the demand for food production has been increasing in recent years, however, there is a constant concern with the processes that encompass the entire production chain, from the farm to the final consumer. The control of microbiological, physical and chemical risks is a constant challenge for the sector, which demands efforts from authorities and producers to guarantee food and sanitary conditions for animals, with safe and quality animal products for the consumer market. 

Among the most feared problems, Salmonella is always among the first on the list, putting the sector on alert and being a constant target of trade barriers. Its control must be done along the entire production chain, since the management of animal creation within the farms is essential for the control of the bacteria. 

Salmonella has a multifactorial origin, which highlights the importance of prevention, through biosecurity measures, hygienic-sanitary conditions, origin of birds and the quality of water and food offered to animals. 

Maintaining health is an important tool in controlling and fighting this disease. The use of natural products is a strong ally of this cause, because, in addition to assisting in the balance of the immune system and nutritional conditions of the animals, it does not present risks, regarding the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). 

From a natural raw material, Seta developed NutreSet, a natural zootechnical additive, capable of reducing the incidence of Salmonellosis, caused by Salmonella. This additive acts directly on the gastrointestinal tract of animals, inhibiting the growth of this bacterium. In tests developed in partnership with a laboratory, a reduction of birds positive for Salmonella was observed with the use of NutreSet. Natural, from a renewable source and 100% Brazilian, Nutreset can be used as an ally, acting in the fight against this disease. 

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