Forest Protection Day

Forest Protection Day

Today, July 17th, is Forest Protection Day. 

Forest biomes act in the water security of the planet, helping to regulate the climate and the air we breathe. In addition, millions of species inhabit these environments. 


Do you know which are the 3 largest forests in the world? 

  1.  Amazon Forest: the largest of the tropical forests, with approximately 7 million km², comprising 9 Brazilian states and 8 more countries. If considered a country, it would be the 6th largest in territory. It represents more than 65% of all tropical forests, housing 20% of all fauna on the planet. 
  2. Taiga Forest: also called boreal forest, located near the arctic circle. Coniferous trees, popularly known as pines, predominate in it. It represents more than 29% of the world's forest cover, being three times larger than the Amazon. 

  3. Congo Forest: It is the second largest rainforest in the world, located in Central Africa. It is home to over 400 species of mammals, 1,000 species of birds and 10,000 species of plants. 

May we reflect on the importance of forests to the world on this day and how much they contribute to our quality of life. The preservation of these natural environments is one of the keys to the sustainable development of society. 

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