Certification for Class A Suppliers

Certification for Class A Suppliers

We understand that the commitment to the continuous improvement of the Quality and Environment Management System is the success factor and development of our business. Therefore, we have established our Policy based on 7 pillars, one of which is “Suppliers”, in which we are committed to promoting partnerships with our suppliers. 

Annually, we carry out an assessment of suppliers of inputs and packaging, based on supply criteria, such as: commercial aspects and product compliance. This assessment complies with the ISO 9001:2015 standard, of which Seta has been certified since 1999. 

During the month of August, Seta's Purchasing team certified the suppliers that classified themselves as Class A. This classification is given to companies that achieved an average of 98 to 100% in the Performance Assessment within the established criteria. Representatives of some of these companies were received at our Unit in Estância Velha for a chat and delivery of the Certificate. 

In addition to recognizing the good performance over this period, we encourage the continuous improvement of our suppliers and partners, seeking to develop healthy and lasting relationships for our business. 


Our thanks and congratulations to Class A Seta suppliers. 

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