Biosecurity and the use of natural products.

Biosecurity and the use of natural products.

The Brazilian aviculture market, whether for the production of meat or eggs is highlighted in the world scenario. Over the years, the expansion of poultry farming continues with the increasing qualification of the agribusinesses.  Furthermore, exports currently reach the five continents, with the agribusinesses meeting the most demanding clients.    


To reach this level, a long way has been traveled and changes have occurred. The actions related to biosafety are a great example, because they are frequently planned, implemented and monitored by the companies' quality management. Moreover, integrated and strategic solutions, such as the inclusion of natural products are essential, to assist in maintaining the health of the herd and produce a safe food.     


Thinking about it, Seta has developed the NutreSet, a product based on natural polyphenols, 100% Brazilian and renewable raw material, which provides maintenance of the intestinal health of birds, promoting better performance for broilers and layers.    


To discuss the scenarios and innovations in the poultry production chain, Seta will be with its technical and commercial team at the 23rd BRAZIL SOUTHERN AVICULTURE SYMPOSIUM from 04 to 06/04 in Chapecó (SC). We are waiting for you there! 

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