Seta Biome: Water Tiger in Seta?

Seta Biome: Water Tiger in Seta?

In our operating regions, both industrial and forestry, there are several environments favorable for the life of the Water Tigers, due to the vast presence of water resources. Contrary to what the name suggests, these animals are turtles of the Trachemys dorbigni species. In Brazil, these animals are naturally found only in Rio Grande do Sul. 

The Water Tiger has a carapace that can reach up to 30 cm, with females generally larger than males. It is predominantly green in color and has yellow or orange spots. They are found in freshwater environments and their food habit is omnivorous, that is, they feed on various plants, insects, molluscs, crustaceans, fish and amphibians. 

Between September and February, this species usually spawns, usually in cavities covered by earth with an average of 12 eggs laid. Hatching occurs between 2 and 4 months later, depending on environmental conditions. Another interesting fact is that its longevity can reach up to 30 years. 

Here we often see this species. The entire team at Seta values the safety and well-being of the animals, so we monitor them from afar, signaling and protecting the spawning sites to preserve their habitats. This is one of the ways we contribute to the protection and conservation of this species. 

Source of information: Fauna Digital UFRGS, Biodiversity4all 

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