Men's Health: darly detection

Men's Health: darly detection

A large part of our team is made up of men. Therefore, it is essential that we talk about Prostate Cancer and ways of prevention and early detection. After all, taking care of health is also a man thing! 

But what is early cancer detection? 

Early detection of cancer is a strategy used to find a tumor at an early stage and thus provide a greater chance of successful treatment. 

It can be done through investigation with clinical, laboratory, endoscope or radiological examinations, of people with signs and symptoms suggestive of the disease (early diagnosis), or of people without signs or symptoms (screening), but belonging to groups with a greater chance of of having the disease. In the case of prostate cancer, these tests are the digital rectal examination and the blood test to assess the PSA (prostate specific antigen) dosage. 

Early diagnosis of this type of cancer enables better treatment results and should be sought with the investigation of signs and symptoms such as: 

- Difficulty urinating; 

- Decreased urine jet; 

- Need to urinate more often during the day or night; 

- Blood in the urine; 

- Most of the time, these symptoms aren't caused by cancer, but it's important to have them investigated by a doctor. 

Take preventive exams and take care of your health! Prevention is the best medicine. 

Source: National Cancer Institute - INCA 

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