Can I use natural and inorganic coagulants together?

Can I use natural and inorganic coagulants together?

First, let's differentiate between natural coagulants and inorganic coagulants:    


Natural or organic coagulants are those produced from raw materials of plant and renewable origin, such as tannins, extracted from Black Acacia bark, are biodegradable, non-toxic to the environment and humans, and free of heavy metals;   


Inorganic coagulants are produced based on metallic salts, such as aluminum and iron, non-renewable, bioaccumulative, and non-biodegradable.   


Coagulants are products used to treat industrial effluents, sewage, or drinking water, with the objective of bringing the colloidal particles present in the effluents closer, in the coagulation stage, in order to separate them from the treated water, eliminating color and turbidity, as well as other pertinent parameters of each process.   


These coagulants can act together and also in conjunction with other products, according to the complexity of each treated effluent through tests to evaluate the ideal dosages and the desired final effluent quality.   


To learn more about the high performance natural coagulants provided by Seta 

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